Sign up to volunteer
Volunteer registration opens on March 1st at 9 am
Please thoughtfully consider the following points before committing to a volunteer shift:
By volunteering you are committing your assistance to Little Britches as well and the other volunteers on your shift. If a volunteer fails to show up, the remaining volunteers must work extra hard to make up for the lost help.
In fairness to others who have volunteered, the volunteer Pre-sale is for the volunteer and the other parent or grandparent of the child(ren) you are shopping for. This person shouldn't be shopping for different children than you are. You may choose to allow someone else to shop on your pass instead of you.
We ask that volunteers refrain from shopping while working their shift, there will be time for this at the pre-sales and after their shift.
Due to safety concerns, absolutely NO CHILDREN under 12 years old will be allowed to accompany the volunteer on their shift. Volunteers who wish to have older children accompany them are asked to contact us ahead of time and we will consider this on a case-by-case basis. (If you are nursing, you're welcome to have your child brought to you to nurse, or to take a break to pump. Please contact us if you need this accommodation so we can help you find an appropriate shift).
If a volunteer cannot come for their shift, and the online registration system is still open, they may cancel their shift anytime. If the online system has been shut down, it is because we are very close to sale time. In this case, contact us to let us know you will be unable to come, and we can also look for a different shift for you to take if desired. If you know you are unable to volunteer at all, please let us know as soon as possible.
We reserve the right to not allow a volunteer to return for future sales for any reason, at our sole discretion.
Curious about the premiere volunteer sale at 3:30? Out of fairness to the time being put in by these volunteers, it is reserved for volunteers who've previously demonstrated that they can be relied upon and who are working two shifts for the current sale. Volunteers falling into this category will be contacted for an opportunity to sign up for a second shift. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Example of volunteer shifts (please login to system to see currently open shifts)